File size: 44.9 MB
WatchFTP is a Windows program that monitors an FTP site for new and changed files and automatically downloads these to a local Windows folder. It can also run a batch script, or send email notification of the download.
Some of WatchFTP's powerful features
Can run unattended as a Windows Service
(Runs unattended, while you are asleep - 24/7)
Supports Secure FTP (FTPS & SFTP)
(Protect your Password and Data)
Send you email notification listing the downloaded files
(No need to check that directory again, You Have Mail)
Run a script (batch file) for each downloaded file
(Connect your enterprise systems - import the new files)
Flexible Weekly Schedule
(Allow downtime for your FTP Server during off-hours)
Can monitor multiple FTP sites
(Multiple "tasks", each with its own, flexible, settings)
Option to remove files after succesful download
(Your customers upload to their "in-box", WatchFTP downloads and "cleans up")
- Kod: Zaznacz wszystko
- Kod: Zaznacz wszystko
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